General Terms of Sales and Use

Terms of Use and Conditions general terms of sale of site published by the company Seaman

Domain of application

The company Seaman distributed with of the general public and professionals of nautical parts via its website spare parts , equipment , products new adaptable or original builders For outboards and inboards , compliant to manufacturers specifications .​

The present terms general conditions of sale and use govern online sales and consultation of content​​ on THE website . All internet user can take knowledge of the conditions general conditions of sale and use on this page of website ( hereinafter THE " Site ” or “ Accasteo ”). These terms general conditions of sale and use apply in a way exclusive between the company Seaman ( hereinafter “​ we ”, or “the company Seaman ”) and any person visiting or performing A purchase ( hereinafter “you” or “ the Client ” or “ User ”) by our website

All order paid on OUR site involves the full understanding and acceptance entirety of these presents terms general terms of sale . reserves the right THE right to modify its conditions general conditions of sale and use at any time and without notice . Changes brought to terms general conditions of sale and use , in order in particular to do to evolve its services or to comply with any new regulation applicable , take effect from their​​ display on THE website

Description of services Accasteo

THE Site offers the User the services following (together the “ Services »):

- Make requests​ of purchases according to the terms and conditions planned to present terms general conditions of sale and use
- Benefit of a help and a contact by email and telephone with THE service customer Accasteo ,
- Take advantage of the advice and tutorials For allow to Users , maintain and repair their engines ,
- Read news​ linked to Accasteo and the world of boating in general via the website and the Accasteo Blog ,

- Publish reviews following of a order past on THE Site ,
- Access directly to the network accounts page​ social d'Accasteo by the via the Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn icons .

The list above is not exhaustive and may be updated by the company Seaman in Service Function​ proposed on THE Site . The company Seaman may add , suspend or remove Services , without​​​ agreement prior consent of the User .

Terms access and use of the Services

THE Site East accessible free to all User having A Internet access . All equipment ( hardware computers , software , telephones , etc. ) and telecommunications costs ( costs Internet access , costs telephone , etc. ) for allow access to and use of the Services by the User are at his /her own risk. charge .

Use of the Services East reserved to people having full​ ability legal For subscribe to bonds on THE Site . The User recognizes that the conditions usage specific​ in particular , of a promotion , of a participation in a games and competitions , are directly indicated in the offers commercial and confirms having taken awareness Before all use .

Publication rules​

The User agrees not to submit a publication on THE Site and Services ( Customer reviews , forum , tutorials , page professional Accasteo on site third party , contact​ Accasteo ) which includes A content which ( non- exhaustive list ):

- East illicit : contains coarse , insulting , discriminatory , etc. remarks ,
- is unintelligible : characters random , bad misspelled , illegible , etc. - contains name or domain name citations​
​ of companies competitors ,
- presents a note incoherent with THE comment ,
- is considered as defamatory ,
- is relating to a Product / Service that was not purchased on THE Site ,
- is relating to advice or diagnostics relevant Normally of a professional consultation (for reasons of security of property and people ),
- aims to denigrate A product , the Site or a Company third ,
- is without report with THE Product purchased or consumption experience​ noted ,
- aims at the canvassing commercial ( sales , advertising , etc. )
- encourages purchase​ at the house of A competitor d' Accasteo ,
- includes elements concrete conflicts​ of interests ,
- includes spam , mention sites​ third party ( address url ) to Accasteo , photos , images ,
- features A call for a legal action

The company Seaman reserves himself THE right to delete All content that violates these Terms general conditions of sale and use notably defined in the publication rules or which does not respect the obligations regulatory and legal in force .

Account customer Accasteo

For all registration to services of Site , the User must , except exception , hold A account Accasteo and authenticate directly on THE Site using his username and password . If the User does not have an account Accasteo , then , he must create A account on THE Site . The section " Your account " is accessible directly from the page menu bar home by clicking on the space “ Your account ".

The information necessary for the creation of account are : a valid email address and a password​ meeting the security level​ required by Accasteo . At the first use , others information will be requested from the User : name , first name , one phone number , a​ address postal and a valid email address subsequently corresponding to the User identifier .​

During each​ new visit , if the User wish subscribe to services mentioned above , pass a order or consult their “ My Account ” space , the User will have to identify yourself in advance using your information strictly personal and confidential chosen by him .

The User East required to maintain the confidentiality of their identifiers . In the event of loss, forgetting or use hijacked of its identifiers by a third party , the User must immediately inform​ Accasteo by contacting THE Service Customers Accasteo.*


The costs mentioned on THE site are the prices public officials provided by the company Seaman , and are valid at the time of ordering . They are indicated and billed in euros all taxes French included , excluding participation to costs shipping and can be modified without notice . Prices making faith are those indicated on THE website the​ day of order registration and may​ differ from prices indicated on others supports dematerialized and on OUR catalog paper .

Participation​ to costs shipping East requested from the customer , including THE amount varies depending on of carrier selected , from weight and type of part ordered by the customer . The amount of shipping costs is noted on THE summary preceding THE payment of the order .

Payment of orders

We We accept online card payments​​ banking Visa, MasterCard , others cards Banking and transfers . Credit card payments​​ are realized on the servers secured PayPlug , which provides the full security and privacy .

THE Speed East completed upon validation of payment which triggers the preparation of the order by the services of

All order past on THE site requires THE Customer to pay in full THE price .

Purchases​ realized on THE site are subjected to a retention of title clause . They remain the property of the company Seaman until complete collection of order price . The company Seaman reserves himself THE right to claim the products sold and remained unpaid . As such , in the event of a claim , the Customer commits until complete regulation to neither modify , nor incorporate , nor resell nor pledge the products sold . will be entitled to refuse to perform a delivery or to honor a order of the during that one payment fraud will be suspected or that a​ unpaid Customer wearing on a order previous remains .


In the objective of a reduction of our impact environmental , by carrying out A purchase on OUR site , the Customer accepted to obtain a Invoice exclusively in format electronic . The invoice remains available In THE account staff of Client for a duration minimum of 1 year . At any time the Customer can access and print it if he THE wish .

Promotions commercial

Unless otherwise stated , promotions displayed on THE site are valid for professionals and individuals , applicable to all​ order registered and paid during the validity period of the promotion indicated on THE site .
In THE frame of actions promotional , codes promotional can be offered at any time by Accasteo . They have a validity period , are neither cumulative nor transferable and cannot be​​ exchanged or purchased with d'Accasteo .

The codes promotional are valid only during the period indicated and are usable a alone times In THE frame of a alone order . A minimum and/or maximum purchase amount can be specified For each coupon .​

To be able to to use A code promotional , the User must log in to his account customer Accasteo and must enter your code promotional at the time of validation of basket . The codes Promotional offers are not applicable to orders Already validated . Unless otherwise stated , the Customer who will have received THE code promotional , will be the only one who can benefit from it .

In case of use fraudulent , sale , losses , falsifications , errors techniques out of control of the company Seaman , who affect THE operation , visibility of code promotional , the company Seaman reserves himself THE right to it modify , the suspend or cancel it . None refund and no new code emission​ promotional activity in favor of the User will not be carried out by the company Seaman .

The User acknowledges and accepts to have taken awareness Before all use , conditions specific additional related to use of a promotion ( offers , codes) promotional , etc. ) regarding the duration of use , the price reduced , etc. which will be directly planned in the offers commercial sent to Users and/or published on THE Site .

In THE promotion framework​ commercial displayed on THE website , you accept the fact that all order recorded during a promotional period , and of which THE regulation does not us would not have arrived during the period of validity of the promotion ( before THE last promotion day at 12:00 - GMT+2), will automatically cancelled .

If a payment by transfer was received after the end of the promotional period , a refund by transfer will be returned to you within 30 days from the date​ Or he would have been received in our offices . You will be for this reason we are required TO DO achieve a RIB to this effect on request prior to our team commercial by email.


We deliver your parts and items against payment . From receipt and acceptance of your payment , you will receive an email confirming receipt​ of payment , then we will communicate to you the elements of follow-up of your package of the that this one is given to our carrier .

The products ordered are delivered to the delivery address informed during of ordering process or at the collection point . The Customer must to make sure that the address provided East accurate and complete . The error address East attributable to the Client , and declines all responsibility in delivery .​

From the delivery of the packages with carriers , depending on the products , the Client has the ability to track evolution of delivery time , via his account or via the site of carrier . If however THE Customer notes a delivery anomaly ( delay , change of collection point , loss of tracking , etc. ), the Service Customer is at his provision , in order to identify the problem met and him to propose a solution .

We let's attach A great care in protecting and packaging the parts​ that We We ship . Upon receipt of your order , it is yours however to report All Shame visible on THE package which would have could to have place during of transport. If the packaging of package and/or its contents are damaged , share your reservations on the delivery note detailing​ THE problem , and depending on the severity of the deterioration , refuse THE package . This reserve will be necessary in order to be able to file a complaint with of carrier . In the presence of damage on THE package , please take pictures​ of package before its opening and during its opening and send them to us by email in order that We may we take charge​ your claim . If the delivery man or the The staff in charge of relay delivery does not give you the option of check THE content , you have the possibility to inform the carrier of your reservations in the ten days following , preferably by letter​ recommended with acknowledgement of receipt ( article L.224-65 of consumer code ) .

Past this deadline , delivery will be deemed complete and products delivered will be reputed free from any apparent defect . Consequently , will no longer accept any claim due to damage , product missing , package damaged , parts broken upon receipt .

THE carrier can exceptionally to know the hazards when shipping your​​ order . Because this are humans who transport them In a real and imperfect world . We advise you SO to anticipate your needs as much as possible repair . Delivery times​ are displayed on the card product Thus than to the selection stage of carrier and are purely indicative . In no case case we will not be able to be held For responsible failure to comply with delivery times , because we do not transport ourselves even the packages . The Customer acknowledges and accepts that none compensation cannot​ be granted if the package East received In A deadline higher than that announced by the carrier when registering the order .​

Right of withdrawal and restitution

It is your responsibility to find out BEFORE ordering , and if in doubt , to get advice. possibly assist by a professional ( your mechanic ) competent . The company Seaman will not be able to be outfit For responsible for parts compatibility​ ordered with your engine or your boat .

We let's put pictures of the best quality possible on OUR site , as well that the maximum of details in our possession in order to allow you to ensure that the room East adapted to your engine . When ordering a piece on OUR site , you are SO alone responsible for your purchase , and accept Thus to be considered as competent during your​ purchase . In THE case otherwise , please do not order yourself and do it yourself . assist by a person competent in the matter .

The parts original manufacturer ( manufactured by the manufacturer or its sub (processors ), include A explicit visual including the logo of the builder indicating that he it is about of a piece of origin . If this visual is not present on the sheet product or its photos , this de facto implies that the part East a piece adaptable (or generic ). It It is up to the visitor or customer to contact the company Seaman in order to ensure that the room presented on THE site East a piece original builder or a piece adaptable (or generic ) before to perform a order .

In accordance with the legislation in force on the date of creation of the order , the Customer acknowledges and accepts that THE right of withdrawal must be done In A 14 day deadline francs upon delivery of services / products​ provided for in the area of distance selling . It belongs to the Client to bring the greatest care in packaging and protecting items​ returned . None request credit or refund will not be accepted In THE case Or A article We would be returned damaged , broken , with paint that has been altered or chipped following a​ order error or to a default related to the assembly . The Customer will have to take contact with OUR company by email in order to obtain the terms of return of the part concerned prior to returning the part.

Return conditions and reservations :​

- We We do not accept returns from from the time the part was assembled and used and it bears traces wear or that it has been damaged due to lack of precautions during assembly ( except agreement by email from us ).

- We We let's reserve THE right not to accept the return request for parts​ In which electricity flows during operation ( CDI, coils etc. ). Any piece electric will have to TO DO the object of a agreement prior by email from us before back .

In case of part received back​ damaged or worn abnormally , by a protection failure​ during of return or due to bad manipulations during assembly , and in THE frame of a agreement prior to have or refund exceptional partial on our part, the Rising refunded will vary depending on the condition of the part received After verification of our team technique . To have it , or to refund exceptional partial will not be able be less than 5% nor exceed 50% of the value total part​ new for sale on date of recording of payment of the order concerned .

Return shipping costs​ remain the responsibility of Customer , except In THE case Or THE Client received​ a piece different from that ordered (the photos on THE site are authentic ).

A request to have or refund will be able to be refused in cases​ following :

- Product sent back In A condition no longer allowing marketing , or incomplete
- Product sent back improper , with Trace of assembly and damaged
- Product sent back without the label product
- Request for withdrawal carried out beyond of withdrawal period - Guarantee​

In all state of affairs, the products must be returned necessarily In their state original , without none traces of assembly or wear . All product that would not be in A state identical to that In which it was delivered , and who would be notably incomplete , damaged , spoiled or used will not be refunded .


THE customer (or buyer ) is alone responsible for recommendations and prescriptions of builder as for compatibility of product and use that it is made . Within the framework of the guarantee legal , the company Seaman undertakes to replace at its own expense the article defective by a article new replacement . In case unavailability of the replacement item , the company Seaman agrees to reimburse THE customer of item amount​ new at the price in effect in the catalog on the day of payment of the order on THE website

THE consumer has of a delay of two years from issue​​ of GOOD For obtain the implementation of the guarantee legal compliance in case​ of appearance of a lack of conformity . During This deadline , the consumer is not tenuous to establish that existence of lack of conformity and not the date of its appearance .

When THE sales contract​ of GOOD provides for the provision of a content digital or a service digital way​ continues for a duration greater than two years , warranty legal East applicable to this content digital or this service digital throughout the supply period​ planned . During This deadline , the consumer is not tenuous to establish that existence of lack of conformity affecting THE content digital or the service digital and not date of its appearance .

The guarantee legal compliance​ take away obligation For THE professional , the case if applicable , to provide all updates​​​ necessary to maintain compliance​ of GOOD .

The guarantee legal compliance​ gives to the consumer right to repair or replacement of GOOD In A thirty days delay days following its request , without fresh and free inconvenience major For him .

If the GOOD East repaired In THE warranty framework​ legal compliance , the​ consumer benefits of a extension of six months of warranty initial .

If the consumer request repair​ of good , but that THE seller imposed THE replacement , warranty legal compliance​ East renewed For a period of two years from the date of replacement​ of GOOD .

THE consumer can get a reduction of price purchase while keeping THE good or put end the contract by doing so repay in full against restitution of well , if:

1- The professional refuses to repair or replace THE GOOD ;

2- The repair or the replacement of GOOD intervenes After A thirty days delay days ;

3- The repair or the replacement of GOOD causes A inconvenience major For THE consumer , in particular when THE The consumer shall definitively bear the costs of recovery or removal of non -compliant property , or if he bears the costs installation of GOOD repaired or replaced ;

4- Non- compliance of GOOD persists despite attempts at compliance​​ of seller remained unsuccessful .

THE consumer also has right to a reduction of price of good or to the resolution of CONTRACT when THE lack of conformity is so serious that he justifie that the reduction of price or resolution of CONTRACT either immediate . The consumer is not then not required to request repair or​​ replacement of well in advance .

THE consumer is not entitled to rescission of the sale if the lack of conformity East minor .

All period immobilization of in full view of his repair or replacement suspends the remaining guarantee​​​ until deliverance​ of well restored .​

The rights mentioned above result from the application of Articles L. 217-1 to L. 217-32 of consumer code .​

THE seller who obstructs bad​ faith in the implementation of the guarantee legal compliance​ incurs a civil fine of one Rising maximum of 300,000 euros , which can be door up to 10% of average turnover​ annual ( article L. 241-5 of consumer code ) .

THE consumer benefits also warranty​ legal defects​ hidden in application of articles 1641 to 1649 of the civil code , for a duration of two years from discovery​​ of default . This guarantee given right to a price reduction if the​ GOOD East preserved or to a refund integral against restitution of GOOD .

Limitation of liability

The company Seaman will not be able to be outfit For responsible for any incident or accident relating to the use of products marketed to the buyer or his beneficiary . None damage will not be able SO be imputed as liability direct or indirect to the company Seaman including transport , dismantling and reassembly costs . All breakdown and/or towing possible will remain the responsibility of the buyer , who cannot claim none​ compensation in case of damage or immobilization of boat resulting from the assembly or use of the part defective .

taken Are​ Defects and deteriorations excluded from the warranty​​ caused by wear and tear natural part of the room , or by a event exterior such as a bad use , failure to follow instructions​ of use , a intervention technical on the part by the buyer or by a third party without agreement prior of service technical of seller , and the disassembly partial or total of product .

Guarantees Specials and exclusions

Are defined here are the warranty conditions special of the range Mavimare and propellers Thus that their exclusions .

Direction hydraulics and accessories : 2 years warranty for the range Mavimare .
Causes warranty cancellation (non - exhaustive list - we to consult for details ) :
Failure to follow assembly and installation instructions​ of kit builder​ complete and parts detached from the directions hydraulics .
Assembly fault ( assembly​ on engine exceeding power​ maximum recommended for example or pinching of the hoses hydraulics )
Fault maintenance ( purging , replacement) of liquid hydraulics , rinsing and lubrication for example )
Presence of impurity In the whole of circuit hydraulic
Overtightening or insufficient tightening of the assemblies fixed and moving
High pressure washing

Propellers : 3 years warranty​ on all propellers​ on THE hub and alloy .
Causes warranty cancellation (non- exhaustive list )
: Assembly fault ( assembly on engine exceeding power​ maximum recommended )
Bad shaft lubrication​ propeller ( drive shaft )
Shock on​ hub and blades when sailing or stationary , dry or in water .
Propeller paint not suitable to recommendations of builder

Strength major cannot be held liable if the non - performance or the delay In the performance of one of its obligations described in the present terms general conditions of sale and use arises of a force majeure​ major or a case fortuitous . As such , the force major means everything​ event external , unforeseeable and irresistible within the meaning of Article 1148 of the Civil Code .

Information nominative and Confidentiality

Information and data about you​ are necessary for the management of your order and our business relations . We we will be able to be brought to inform you by email of the availability of new updates services and products . In application of article 34 of the law Data Protection and Freedoms in date of January 6 , 1978, then of regulation European Directive No. 2016/679 and its Directive No. 2016/680 of 27 April 2016, entry into force On May 25 , 2018, you have of a right of access , rectification , modification and deletion regarding data concerning you . You can exercise This right in us contacting by mail postal . We do not communicate none personal information to third parties . The information that you tell us transmit are preserved In the sole purpose of meeting your needs and expectations . We we do not have access at any time to information relating to your map  banking when purchasing online : you enter​​ your card number​ directly on THE server secure PayPlug which ensures confidentiality and we​​ informed simply in return for acceptance or​ refusal of payment . While browsing on OUR site , you agree that We We use and store cookies on your computer to make it easier for you the use of our services .


Accasteo day before especially at this that its Services constitute A space secure on THE Site For all Users . However , Accasteo cannot​​ THE guarantee , since in using the Services d'Accasteo , the User agrees to (non- exhaustive list ):

- not to use the Services for any purpose illegal or contrary to present Terms general conditions of sale and use ,
- do not use means and interfaces computers malicious For access to Services and extract data from others​ Users ,
- do not use or develop of applications third parties that interact with the Services or the contents or the data others Users , without authorization written d'Accasteo ,
- not to use the Services of a way that could disturb , disrupt , affect negatively others Users or prevent them from enjoying fully of the Services , or which could damage , disable , overburden or impair the Services​​ operation ,
- do not use or attempt to use THE account , the name Username or Password​​ of a other User without his permission , -
do not ask for login details of a other User ,
- do not publish content contrary to public order ,
- not to encourage or promote all activity which would be opposites to provisions hereof​ Terms general conditions of sale and use .

Content of site is tenuous of a obligation of means regarding information​ made available to Customers . carries out all the steps necessary For ensure the reliability of the information on his site . Despite a monitoring and updating​​ daily , cannot incur liability​ due to inaccuracies techniques , errors typographical or omissions that THE content of site can to behave , nor for the results which could be obtained through the use of this information .

THE Customer recognizes that the photographs , information and visuals of the products presented on THE site have not none character contractual . In no case case , will not be held For responsible of any fact linked to the image of product concerned .

If a Customer notes anomalies​ on THE site , it can report this to directly online on THE site via the contact form .​

Customer reviews

After procurement of a Product or use of a Service on THE Site , Accasteo has the possibility of contacting the User by email For invite him , without counterpart , to be deposited an online review concerning THE report / quality of Product bought on THE Site or share your experience customer Accasteo .

THE deposit of an opinion is reserve uniquely to customers d'Accasteo who must necessarily relate to a​ consumer experience​ lived personally and individually .

User rating is counted in number​ of stars assigned (maximum 5). The User assigns a note that must reflect the points positives and points improvement that he noted during his consumption experience​ on THE Site and who are intended to advise clients or future clients customers d'Accasteo In their decision purchase on THE Site .

Accasteo guest the User to be protected its life private and not to disclose information on his data personal ( name , telephone , email, address postal , etc. ) in published reviews on THE Site .

Accasteo can possibly display on reviews, information following :
- the date and time of filing of the notice ,
- the date consumer experience ,
- the​ first name and the name of the author of the review .

The User accepted that Accasteo uses his email address to : invite him to post reviews , contact For him notify the publication or the refusal to publish his opinion , bring a answer on his opinion, etc.
All opinions posted by the User are preserved by Accasteo for the duration necessary for their exploitation .
The User acknowledges and accepts that the published opinions on THE Site do the object of a moderation by Accasteo . Reviews that comply with the Conditions general conditions of sale and use are published directly on THE Site , and those who do not respect them are automatically deleted by Accasteo .

Accasteo reserves the right , at its discretion , to : alone discretion , to modify or delete all published reviews on THE Site by the User from from the moment when Accasteo estimated that their contents deviate to present Terms general conditions of sale and use .

The User accepted that Accasteo​ has THE right to use , reproduce , adapt , store , publish , translate , exploit , distribute and display THE content , in whole or in part , of the notice for the purposes of studies statistics , marketing or prospecting commercial and this , in THE respect for property rights​ intellectual of which the User could claim .​

Links with the sites third party

The sites connected directly or indirectly to the site are not under OUR control . Consequently , does not assume none responsibility as to to information published on these sites . The links with sites​ third parties are not provided for convenience only and do not imply none responsibility as for their content .

Your obligations

You yourself engage to :
- provide information sincere and true about
you - respect these​ terms general conditions of sale and use and adhere to them fully .

It is your responsibility to verify carefully the details of your order before proceeding to payment . By proceeding to payment , you agree to commit to pay THE item price​ noted on THE site at the time of your purchase . Failure to comply with these obligations or non - payment of the order will lead the cancellation of your order without notice .
The User East risk manager​ related to the use of his login ID and password linked to the account Accasteo . The User 's password​ must stay secret . The User is committed to protecting and guaranteeing THE maintaining the confidentiality of its elements authentication , being specified that he remains fully responsible for all activities that occur on its behalf on THE Site and on his account Accasteo , whether he knows it or not .

The User East alone responsible for his navigation on THE Site .

Assignment of liability

THE customer is not authorized to grant or transfer the rights and obligations from of this contract .

Property intellectual

The User recognizes that all content appearing on​ THE Site including including : the domain name , trademarks , texts , graphics , photographs , designs , sounds , data , images , audios and videos , but​ also the tree structure d' Accasteo , its navigation plan , its logos, the design and organization of its sections , their titles , databases , their​​ structures and their contents , existing or future , are protected and are the property exclusive of the company Seaman .

Consequently , except​ express prior authorization of the company Seaman , all reproductions , representations and uses by the User are prohibited .

All failure of the User to comply with these obligations would constitute a counterfeit .

Conclusion and execution of a CONTRACT

You declare to have taken knowledge and accepted the conditions of the order and in particular the information on the characteristics of the products or services ordered , the price , delivery , conditions of use Thus that the present Terms General before passing​ your order . You declare have full​ ability legal For pass a order and accept these presents terms general . The CONTRACT East established of the that THE customer complete and confirm THE form registration on THE site and when the company Seaman has processed the order .
The User recognizes that the consent registers​ computerized stored within the file processing servers​​​ electronics d'Accasteo , communications by way electronics and documents electronics are considered as evidence of trade​ between the User and Accasteo . The User recognizes that these exchanges electronics have the same value convincing that the writings and documents papers .

The User acknowledges and accepts that after authentication on THE Site , all manifestation of will by the through the use of the Services proposed by Accasteo , which it either paid or free , constitutes a signature electronic and characterizes the proof of consent within the meaning of the provisions of Civil Code .


All consumer has the right to appeal free to a consumer mediator with a view to resolution friendly of dispute which opposes him to a professional . At this effect , the professional guarantees to the consumer THE appeal effective at one consumer mediation device .
A​​ dispute cannot​ be examined by the consumer mediator​ when :
1° The consumer does not justify having attempted , beforehand , to resolve his dispute directly with of professional by a claim written according to the terms and conditions planned , the case if applicable , in THE contract ;
2° The request East obviously unfounded or abusive ;
3° The dispute has been previously reviewed or is in progress of examination by a other mediator or by a court ;
4° The consumer introduced​ its request with of mediator In A deadline greater than one year from its​​ claim written with of professional ;
5° The dispute does not fall within its scope of competence .
The consumer East informed by the mediator , in A three -month delay weeks from receipt of his file , from​ rejection of his request for mediation .

THE consumer can get in touch with THE mediation service​ Let's live Better Together on

Right applicable

This contract​ East subject to the law French . The language of this contract is the language French . The consumer can to seize , either one of the jurisdictions territorially competent under​ of Code of Civil Procedure , i.e. the jurisdiction of place Or he remained at the time of conclusion of contract or occurrence of the damaging fact .

In the event of a dispute , our service customers is at your disposal language provision​ French and in language English exclusively , in order to search A regulation amicable . Requests are to be sent by email from THE contact form​ on OUR website on the " Contact Us " page . Or by mail to the address indicated below :

6 school path 56140
Caro (France )

Legal Notice is edited by the company Seaman SAS, whose THE seat East located at 3 chemin Perrine Thomas, 56140 Caro - France 

Siren : 834946931 – RCS Vannes – APE: 7010 Z. 

THE site is hosted by: Enter Solutions
1 avenue Aristide Briand
F-21000 DijonS.A. RL with capital of €1000
Siren : 504 097 734 RCS Dijon

Accasteo East a brand filed , property of the company Seaman below THE Number National 18 4 448 822.

Last updated : October 10 , 2024

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